2023 SCR Drag Racing Rules
General Rules
Any car quicker than 13.99 in the ¼ mile, or any convertible must have a SA approved helmet. Long pants are always required. For the Box, Top Doorslammer, and Quick 16 classes: Crosstalk is always on.
Nobody under the age of 16 without a valid driver's license is allowed to drive any type of motorized vehicle. No exceptions!!
Quick 16/Top Doorslammers:
All qualifiers must run 5.79 or quicker.
Quick 16 will be paired on a 16 car sportsman ladder
Max of 32 cars allowed to qualify in Top Doorslammer
Super Pro
All cars must dial quicker than 8.49
Section 1A of the IHRA rulebook will be used for guidelines for equipment and safety questions
Delay boxes, throttle stops, automated shifter controls permitted. Crosstalk is always on in Box.
Mod Et
All cars must dial 10.99 or quicker.
Transbrakes and 2 steps are permitted
Delay boxes, electronic throttle stops PROHIBITED
Street ET
All vehicles must be street legal (mufflers past the drive axle, inspection sticker, insurance)
All vehicles must have a DOT approved tire
All street equipment must be in working order
Delay boxes, electronic throttle stops, and transbrakes are PROHIBITED
¼ mile class
No car can dial quicker than 7.50
Delay boxes, transbrakes, and electronic throttle stops PROHIBITED
SCR SSS and Bye Run Procedures:
-At our Summit Super Series bracket races, for Street, Sportsman, Mod, and Super Pro, the best reaction time from the last time trial will be the 1st round wait and see bye.
- Bye runs always carry. (use it or lose it)
- Ladder at 8 cars or less (that is not a buyback round) on a sportsman ladder.
- Bye run carries to the ladder.
- Re-ladders every round
- Best WINNING reaction time from the previous round is the wait and see bye
- In the finals, best reaction time from the semi-final round winners will have lane choice.
- These bye run rules also apply to Jr. Dragsters
-All Dial Ins are final once car has pre-staged.
- In the buyback rounds, we will call all winners and buybacks back together. There will be no separation. For example: No Box Round 2, winners AND buybacks will be called together, at the same time, to lanes 1-4.
- No Entry may have more than one bye run per race, unless every entry remaining has already had one.
JR Dragsters
- Jr Dragsters will be qualified and laddered first round based on reaction time from their qualifying passes, and that ladder will be re-laddered every round.
- We will have three classes for Jr. Dragsters. 7-9 years old (Beginners), 8-12 (Advanced), and 13+ (Masters).